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Text File  |  1995-07-30  |  45KB  |  701 lines

  1. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  2. =  F.U.C.K. - Fucked Up College Kids - Born Jan. 24th, 1993 - F.U.C.K.  =
  3. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  5.                           Internet Resource Listing
  6.                           -------------------------
  7.                                     v1.0
  9.         Here it is (finally). My list of various internet addresses
  10. of all sorts. I have been adding to this for over 4 years now, as
  11. I see them in posts, mail, on irc, etc. Use these as you want, and
  12. feel free to mail me with additions for future releases. Future
  13. releases may be released with Anthology updates, or as a seperate file.
  15.         The following addresses are not guaranteed to be up. I don't 
  16. visit each site every week to check it. If any are dead or moved,
  17. please mail me so I can make corrections to the master list. I put
  18. the address first in all cases, with comments afterwards. The groups
  19. were then sorted alphabetically, EXCEPT the government resource section.
  20. This was sorted in order of STATE, not name of the rep or senator.
  21. Just browse through this and you will see the format.
  23.         This list is designed for word searches and 'greps', so in
  24. some instances, keywords were added. The next release will be keyworded
  25. completely (and much better), with comments then behind that.
  29.         A note about the format of this file! Instead of putting one
  30. long address on multiple lines, I left it all on one line. This was done
  31. so that if you are in a unix environment on the net, you can GREP for
  32. a paticular word, and have the entire line show up for you. As far as
  33. I know, any editor you would be using to read this will support the long
  34. lines and won't force page breaks on you. If your editor/viewer DOES
  35. force page breaks, check your configuration.
  41.                                =-=-=-=
  42.                                 Email
  43.                                =-=-=-=
  45. Zines
  46. -----
  47. crfisher@nyx.cs.du.edu         PuD
  48. dmurder@maria.wustl.edu        Digital Murder
  49. dulberge@csd.uwm.edu           DFS
  50. jericho@netcom.com             FUCK
  51. mpg4681@rit.edu                HOE
  52. pip@cybercom.com               GASP
  53. root@pimpf.ais.net             BLaH
  54. vyrus@odin.community.net       TYME
  56. Fun Stuff
  57. ---------
  58. 70277.2502@compuserve.com      Rush Limbaugh
  59. 71511.460@compuserve.com       Ross Perot
  60. 72511.226@compuserve.com       John Dvorak
  61. 73136.3232@compuserve.com      Roger Ebert
  62. 76206.2507@compuserve.com      Douglas Adams
  63. 76326.126@compuserve.com       Pat Buchanan
  64. Conanshow@aol.com              Conan O'Brian
  65. billg@microsoft.com            Bill Gates
  66. bwest@aol.com                  Bob West (voice of Barney)
  67. ccasey@hr.house.gov            Ted Kennedy
  68. cliff@cfa.harvard.edu          Cliff Stoll
  69. dateline@news.nbc.com          NBC Dateline
  70. immrefbr@chicken.planet.org    Canadian Federal Immigration and Refugee Board  (if you run to Canada)
  71. penn@delphi.com                Penn Jillette
  73.                                =-=-=-=-=
  74.                                FTP List
  75.                                =-=-=-=-=
  77. Misc
  78. ----
  79.                   Text/Game Solves
  80.                 /PUB  (no anon)
  81.                 Scan/Clean
  82. alife.santafe.edu             virii
  83. cathouse.org                  /pub/cathouse/humor/standup
  84. coombs.anu.edu.au             /coombspapers/otherarchives/elec_bud/
  85. coombs.anu.edu.au             religion/philosophy
  86. cpsr.org                      Cryptology
  87. cs.uwp.edu                    Solves/Lyrics
  88. english-server.hss.cmu.edu    English/Text/Papers
  89. etext.archive.umich.edu       Text/Zines from Hell
  90. flux.anderson.american.edu    H/P
  91. ftp.cic.net                   /pub/gopher/alphabetic   Zines
  92. ftp.concert.net               /netinfo/interests-groups.txt (mail lists)
  93. ftp.funet.fi                  /pub/docs/telecom/phonecards
  94. ftp.informatik.uni-hamburg.de /pub/virus/texts/bulletin
  95. ftp.lysator.liu.se
  96. ftp.mcs.com                   /mcsnet.users/crisadm/stuff/research/samples
  97. ftp.netcom.com                /pub/da/daemon9
  98. ftp.netsys.com                Text
  99. ftp.rahul.net                 /pub/atman/utlcd-preview/fut*
  100. ftp.shsv.edu                  /pub/ftp-lists/sitelist
  101. ftp.spies.com                 Library
  102. ftp.uu.net
  103. ftp.uwp.edu
  104. ftp.winternet.com             /users/beastie/gif - x gifs
  105. ftp.winternet.com             /users/craigb  - hp
  106. ftp.wustl.edu                 /terror
  107. ftp.yak.net                   /pub/surfpunk  - zine
  108. galileo.stmarys-ca.edu
  109. garbo.uwasa.fi                /pc/arcers/   Gzip Utils
  110. gatekeeper.dec.com            /pub/usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume12/*
  111. grind.isca.uiowa,edu          /info/jfk
  112. halcyon.com
  113. hyperreal.com                 Rave/Techno
  114. mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu          /pub/etext
  115. nic.fungt.fi                  /pub/doc/occult
  116. nic.fungt.fi                  /pub/vms/vaxbook
  117. nigel.msen.com                /pub/newsletters/zinesreviews/fs-5
  118. oak.oakland.edu               /pub/misc/virus
  119. obi.std.com                   /obi
  120. ota.ox.ac.uk                  /ota/english
  121. quartz.rutgers.edu
  122. red.css.itd.umich.edu         Text
  123. rtfm.mit.edu                  /pub/usenet/alt.lock
  124. rtfm.mit.edu                  /pub/usenet/news.answers/consumer
  125. slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com   /pub/wierdness/wierd    /pub/magick
  126. sunsite.unc.edu               /pub/docs/humor/bastard-op
  127. vtcbbs.vtc.vsc.edu            (Dos site#$!) - General/Misc
  128. wiretap.spies.com             /library/classics
  130. Sound
  131. -----
  132. ee.lbl.gov                    /sounds
  133. ftp.luth.se                   /pub/sounds/songs/   (AU format - huge library)
  134. oak.oakland.edu               /pub/misc/sound
  135. orangutan.cv.nrao.edu         /pub/sound
  136. plan9.njit.edu                /pub/sounds
  137. sol.ctr.columbia.edu          /pub/DA/sounds
  138. sunsite.unc.edu               /pub/micro/pc-stuff/sound
  139. valhalla.ee.rochester.edu     /pub/sound
  140. vela.acs.oakland.edu          /pub/sound
  141. winftp.cica.indiana.edu       /pub/pc/win3/sounds
  143. Crypto/Security
  144. ---------------
  145. ftp.csua.berkeley.edu         /pub/cyberpunks
  146. ftp.funet.fi                  /pub/doc/cyberpunks
  147. ftp.informatik.uni-hamburg.de /pub/security
  148. ftp.spies.com                 /Library/articles/Crypto
  149. ftp.vortex.com                /privacy
  150. ftp.win.tue.nl                /pub/security
  151. net-dist.mit.edu              /pub/PGP
  152. oak.oakland.edu               /pub/msdos/security
  153. quarts.rutgers.edu            /pub/computer/security
  154. rtfm.mit.edu                  /pub/usenet/news.answers/net-privacy
  156. Images
  157. ------
  158. csd4.csd.vwm.edu              /pub/aragorn/acidwarp*
  159. faui43.informatik.uni-erlangen.de   /mounts/epix/public/pub/Multimedia/Pictures
  160. ftp.best.com                  /pub/caddy/   (gifs/movie/etc)
  161. ftp.cc.utexas.edu             /gifstuff/ftpsites
  162. ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl             /agh/reserve/gif
  163. ftp.lib.virginia.edu          /pub/alpha/vat*
  164. ftp.mimuw.edu.pl              /pub/misc/pictures
  165. ftp.sunet.se                  /pub/pictures/fantasy
  166. ftp.tcp.com                   /pub/anime/images   (JapAp)
  167. ftp.uni-stuttgart.de          /pub/graphics/pictures/art/h_r_giger
  168. orangutan.cv.nrao.edu         /pub/images  (K-fuckin-elite)
  169. sunsite.unc.edu               /pub/multimedia/pictures/OTIS/Gallery
  170. uxa.ecn.bgu.edu               /pub/fine-art  alt.pictures.fine-art.d archives
  172.                                =-=-=-=-=-=-=
  173.                                Gopher Sites
  174.                                =-=-=-=-=-=-=
  176. gopher.coloardo.edu           Directory/Global (dir servers)
  177. libra.arch.umich.edu          Kandinsky Image / Art
  178. olt.et.tudelft.nl             Fun/Liesure Box
  179. unixS.nysed.gov               K-12 Resources  / Gvmt Stats
  180. vacs2.albany.edu              United Nations Justice / Crime Stats
  182.                                =-=-=-=-=
  183.                                Web Pages
  184.                                =-=-=-=-=
  186. ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/mvidal/film_vid.html   independent film/video makers
  187. ftp://nic.merit.edu:/nsfnet/statistics          Link to /nsfnet/statistics at nic.merit.edu
  188. ftp://tweety.sna.com/pub/SNA_HOME/Telco.Home.Pages.html   Telco Home Pages -- Baby Bells, etc.
  189. gopher://ba.com                                 Bell Atlantic  gopher
  190. gopher://gopher.bucknell.edu:4320/1webster      Webster's Dictionary and Thesarus
  191. gopher://gw.pacbell.com                         Pacific Bell  gopher                                                                                                                                                    t3Lk0 SiT3z
  192.                        Defense Construction Supply Center (D.C.S.C.) -- "inventory control point for the Defense Logistics Agency."                                                            name                    gopher                  WWW
  193. http://aepi.atdc.gatech.edu/                    US Army Environmental Policy Institute                                                                                                                                  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  194. http://alumni.caltech.edu/~dank/isdn/           (ISDN)                                                                                                                                                                  Ameritech               none                    http://www.aads.net
  195. http://aset.rsoc.rockwell.com                   (NASA/MOD AIS Security)                                                                                                                                                 Bell Atlantic           ba.com                  http://www.ba.com
  196. http://aset.rsoc.rockwell.com/exhibit.html      (Tech. for Info Sec)                                                                                                                                                    Pacific Bell            gw.PacBell.com          http://www.pacbell.com
  197. http://ats4.colorado.edu                        Nate Gardner's actual home page                                                                                                                                         Wiltel                  none                    http:/www.wiltel.com
  198. http://att.net/dir800                           800 Directory Pages                                                                                                                                                     USWest                                          http://www.service.com/
  199. http://ausg.dartmouth.edu/security.html         (Security)                                                                                                                                                              Nippon Telephone        none                    http://www.ntt.jp
  200. http://b62528.student.cwru.edu/home.html        Evil Dead/AOD:
  201. http://colargol.edb.tih.no/~kennetha/dogs.html  Reservoir Dogs:
  202. http://crca-www.ucsd.edu/TajMahal/after.html    In MPEG stereo where available. alternative music + ????
  203. http://crimelab.com/NBK.html                    Natural Born Killers
  204. http://cs.purdue.edu/coast/coast.html           (Coast)                                                                                                                                                                 motorola logos                                  http://motserv.indirect.com//
  205. http://csrc.ncsl.nist.gov                       (NIST)
  206. http://daneel.acns.nwu.edu:8082/lovecraft/lovecraft.html  HP Lovecraft
  207. http://dec36.cs.monash.edu.au:1786/bluesbros/faa.html     Bladerunner
  208. http://dfw.net/~aleph1                          Uebercracker's Security Web
  209. http://dhp.com/~pluvius                         (Pluvius)
  210. http://draco.centerline.com:8080/~franl/crypto.html (Crypto)
  211. http://everest.cs.ucdavis.edu/Security.html     (Security)
  212. http://everest.cs.ucdavis.edu/slides/slides.html(Security Lab Slides)
  213. http://ezinfo.ethz.ch/ETH/D-REOK/fsk/fsk_homepage.html  (CSSCR)
  214. http://falcon.cc.ukans.edu/.cubsfan/liberal.html Left Side of the Web:
  215. http://first.org                                (FIRST)
  216. http://ftp.tamu.edu/~abr8030/security.html      (Security)
  217. http://galaxy.einet.net/galaxy/Government/Government-Agencies.html  Government Agencies -- foreign and domestic.
  218. http://galaxy.einet.net/galaxy/Government/Military.html   U.S. Military links
  219. http://galaxy.einet.net/hytelnet/US000MED.html  United States Medical Libraries
  220. http://galaxy.einet.net/hytelnet/US000OTH.html  Other United States Libraries
  221. http://gertrude.art.uiuc.edu/@art/gallery.html            Art
  222. http://hightop.nrl.navy.mil/potpourri.html      (Security)
  223. http://hightop.nrl.navy.mil/rainbow.html        (Rainbow Books)
  224. http://ice-www.larc.nasa.gov/ICE/papers/hacker-crackdown.html (Sterling)
  225. http://ice-www.larc.nasa.gov/ICE/papers/nis-requirements.html (ICE NIS)
  226. http://iitf.doc.gov:70/                         Information Infrastructure Task Force (IITF) --
  227. http://info.arl.army.mil/                       Army Research Laboratory
  228. http://info.bellcore.com/BETSI/betsi.html       BETSI
  229. http://infosec.nosc.mil/infosec.html            (SPAWAR INFOSEC)
  230. http://jake.chem.unsw.edu.au/~michaels/magritte.html   links
  231. http://kzsu.stanford.edu/uwi/br/off-world.html          Blade Runner:
  232. http://l0pht.com                                (The l0pht)
  233. http://l0pht.com/~oblivion/IIRG.html            (Phantasy Magazine)
  234. http://lasarto.cnde.iastate.edu/Movies/CultShop         The Cult Shop
  235. http://lycos.cs.cmu.edu/                        >Lycos -- EXCELLENT Web database
  236. http://metaverse.com/vibe/misc/favlinks.html    Links that'll blow you away!
  237. http://mindlink.jolt.com                        (The Secrets of LockPicking)
  238. http://mls.saic.com                             (SAIC MLS)
  239. http://mls.saic.com/sites.html                  Security Sites
  240. http://motserv.indirect.com/                    Motorola
  241. http://naic.nasa.gov/fbi/FBI_homepage.html      Federal Bureau of Investigation
  242. http://nasirc.hq.nasa.gov                       (NASA ASIRC)
  243. http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/comet.html
  244. http://oneworld.wa.com/htmldev/devpage/dev-page3.html#doc-i   Art Galleries and Graphics
  245. http://ophie.hughes.american.edu/~ophie         (ophie)
  246. http://panacea.library.ucsb.edu/~jkoga/jw_gallery.html  John Woo
  247. http://ripco.com:8080/~glr/glr.html             (Full Disclosure)
  248. http://rogue.cec.army.mil/                      United States Army Information Systems Engineering
  249. http://rubens.anv.edu.au/                       Art Related
  250. http://spot.colorado.edu/~gardnern/pictures.html   GIF collection
  251. http://spy.org                                  (CSC)
  252. http://sunsite.unc.edu/concord/                 Concord Coalition:
  253. http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/linux.html           Linux Documentation Project
  254. http://tansu.com.au/Info/security.html          (Comp and Net Security)
  255. http://the-tech.mit.edu                         (LaMacchia case info)
  256. http://turtle.ncsa.uiuc.edu/spicoli/            Spicoli's Ridgemont High home page
  257. http://tvnet.com/TVnet.html                     Cable & TV stations worldwide.
  258. http://w3.eeb.ele.tue.nl/mpeg/index.html        MPEG Movie Archive
  259. http://wintermute.itd.nrl.navy.mil/5544.html    (Network Security)
  260. http://www.Nashville.Net/.lamar/                Alexander Campaign
  261. http://www.UWSA.org                             Ross Perot's United We Stand America:
  262. http://www.aads.net                             Ameritech
  263. http://www.af.mil/                              Department of the Air Force
  264. http://www.airdata.com/                         Airdata.com -- McCaw Cellular / McCaw Wireless Cable
  265. http://www.alw.nih.gov/WWW/security.html        (Unix Security)
  266. http://www.amdest.com/Pat/pat.html              Paulsen
  267. http://www.army.mil/                            The U.S. Army HomePage
  268. http://www.artcom.de/CCC                        (CCC Homepage)
  269. http://www.aspentec.com/~frzmtdb/fun/hacker.html
  270. http://www.aus.xanadu.com:70/1/EFA              (EFF Australia)
  271. http://www.ba.com                               Bell Atlantic
  272. http://www.beckman.uiuc.edu/groups/biss/VirtualLibrary/xsecurity.html(X-Win)
  273. http://www.bell.com                             MFJ Task Force
  274. http://www.bellcore.com/SECURITY/security.html  (Bellcore Security Products)
  275. http://www.berkelyic.com/conservative/          Grand Old Page
  276. http://www.biz.uiowa.edu/ieu/index.html/        Iowa Electronic Markets: -- political stock market
  277. http://www.brad.ac.uk/~nasmith/index.html
  278. http://www.bst.bls.com                          Bell South
  279. http://www.c3.lanl.gov/~mcn                     (Lanl)
  280. http://www.cais.com/newtwatch/                    NewtWatch: an unofficial collection of negative stuff about
  281. http://www.cbs.com                              CBS Eye on the Net
  282. http://www.cert.dfn.de/                         (German First Team)
  283. http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/security-faq/faq.html  Computer Security Frequently Asked Questions
  284. http://www.clark.net/pub/jeffd/keyes96.html     Keyes
  285. http://www.clark.net/pub/jeffd/mr_newt.html     Gingrich WWW fan club:
  286. http://www.clark.net:80/pub/jeffd/index.html    Right Side of the Web:
  287. http://www.colorado.edu/html_docs.html          Learn all about HTML
  288. http://www.commerce.net/information/standards/drafts/shttp.txt (HyperText)
  289. http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu:8001/usr/dscw/home.html
  290. http://www.cpsr.org/home                        (CPSR)
  291. http://www.crc.ricoh.com/~marcush/lightbulb/random.cgi   Light Bulb Jokes
  292. http://www.cs.cmu.edu:8001/Web/books.html       E-Texts (ASCII and HTML)
  293. http://www.cs.cmu.edu:8001/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/bsy/www/sec.html (Security)
  294. http://www.cs.colorado.edu/home/mcbryan/WWWW.html  The World Wide Web Worm -- great for finding web sites!
  295. http://www.cs.indiana.edu/internet/sports.html  Games (Go, Chess, Backgammon) and Sports
  296. http://www.cs.tufts.edu/~mcable/HackerCrackdown (Hacker Crackdown)
  297. http://www.cs.tufts.edu/~mcable/cypher/alerts/alerts.html (Cypherpunk)
  298. http://www.cs.umd.edu/~lgas                     (lgas)
  299. http://www.csd.harris.com/secure_info.html      (Harris)
  300. http://www.csl.sri.com                          (SRI Computer Science Lab)
  301. http://www.cybercafe.org/cybercafe/pubtel/pubdir.html (CyberCafe)
  302. http://www.datafellows.fi                       (Data Fellows)
  303. http://www.delmarva.com/raptor/raptor.html      (Raptor Network Isolator)
  304. http://www.democrats.org                        DNC
  305. http://www.demon.co.uk/kbridge                  (KarlBridge)
  306. http://www.digicash.com/ecash/ecash-home.html   (Digital Cash)
  307. http://www.digital.com/info/key-secure-index.html(Digital Secure Systems)
  308. http://www.dlsc.dla.mil/                        Defense Logisitics Services Center (D.L.S.C.) --
  309. http://www.dnai.com/~jcasabel/kgo-tv/           KGO (San Francisco, Ch.7), ABC
  310. http://www.dtic.dla.mil/defenselink/            DefenseLINK -- was Office of the Secretary of Defense at enterprise.osd.mil until March 15, 1995.
  311. http://www.eecs.nwu.edu/~jmyers/bugtraq/index.html(Bugtraq)
  312. http://www.eecs.nwu.edu/~jmyers/ids/index.html  (Intrusion Detection Systems)
  313. http://www.eff.org/papers.html                  (EFF)
  314. http://www.elmail.co.uk/music/pwei/pweipage.html/       Pop Will Eat Itself
  315. http://www.engin.umich.edu/~jgotts/boxes.html   (Box info)
  316. http://www.engin.umich.edu/~jgotts/hack-faq.html Hack Faq
  317. http://www.engin.umich.edu/~jgotts/underground.html
  318. http://www.ensta.fr/internet/unix/sys_admin     (System administration)
  319. http://www.etext.org/Zines/                     (Zines)
  320. http://www.fc.net/defcon                        (DefCon)
  321. http://www.fedex.com/                           Federal Express -- supposedly has real-time package tracking
  322. http://www.fedworld.gov                         FedWorld
  323. http://www.first.org/first/                     (FIRST)
  324. http://www.galcit.caltech.edu/~ta/creative.html The Creative Internet Page.  YOU MUST SEE THIS!
  325. http://www.gatech.edu/desotulgraf/index.art_crimes.html   Art
  326. http://www.gop.org/                             GOP Online
  327. http://www.gramm96.org                          Gramm
  328. http://www.greatcircle.com                      (Great Circle Associates)
  329. http://www.hpcc.gov/blue94/section.4.6.html     National Security Agency
  330. http://www.hyperimage.com/                      HyperImage - Atari Jaguar Developers
  331. http://www.ic.gov/                              Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  332. http://www.infinet.com/cool.html                (cool site of the day)
  333. http://www.iquest.net/lugar/.htm                Lugar
  334. http://www.jast.mil/                            Joint Advanced Strike Technology
  335. http://www.kli.org/KLIhome.html                 The Klingon Language Institute
  336. http://www.kpix.com                             KPIX (San Francisco, Ch.5), CBS
  337. http://www.kqed.org                             KQED (San Francisco, Ch.9), PBS
  338. http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/Unix_Team/Dist_Computing_Security.html (Security)
  339. http://www.lysator.liu.se:7500/mit-guide/mit-guide.html (Lockpicking Guide)
  340. http://www.lysator.liu.se:7500/terror/thb_title.html (Terrorists Handbook)
  341. http://www.msstate.edu/Movies/                  Cardiff's Movie Database (absolute BEST for movies!)
  342. http://www.net23.com                            (Max Headroom)
  343. http://www.netsurf.com:/nsd/index.html          Netsurfer Digest
  344. http://www.nist.gov                             (NIST)
  345. http://www.nsa.gov:8080/
  346. http://www.ntia.doc.gov/                        National Telecommunications and Information Administration
  347. http://www.ntt.jp/                              Nippon Telephone and Telegraph                                                                                                                                          ~~~~~~~~~~~
  348. http://www.nvg.unit.no/~eddie/tarantino.html    Quentin Tarantino:
  349. http://www.ora.com/cgi-bin/ora/currency         Currency Converter
  350. http://www.pacbell.com                          (Pacific Bell)
  351. http://www.pacbell.com/Products/LOCKON/index.html       PacBell's LockOn program to STOP the HACKERS.
  352. http://www.paranoia.com/mthreat                 (ToneLoc)
  353. http://www.pegasus.esprit.ec.org/people/arne/pgp.html (PGP)
  354. http://www.phantom.com/~king                    (Taran King)
  355. http://www.primenet.com/~vomitus
  356. http://www.quadralay.com/www/Crypt/Crypt.html   Quadralay Cryptography Archive -- contains a bit about the NSA.
  357. http://www.qualcomm.com/cdma/wireless.html      (Qualcomm CDMA)
  358. http://www.rahul.net/browne                     Libertarian cand. Harry Browne:
  359. http://www.research.att.com                     (AT&T)
  360. http://www.riddler.com                          riddle - netgame
  361. http://www.rsa.com                              (RSA Data Security)
  362. http://www.scri.fsu.edu/~patters/nin.html       Nine Inch Nails Home Page
  363. http://www.seas.upenn.edu/.lapple/bobdole.html  Dole
  364. http://www.service.com                          USWest
  365. http://www.service.com/cm/uswest/usw1.html      (USWest)
  366. http://www.shore.net/~oz/welcome.html           (Hack TV)
  367. http://www.sjmercury.com/wilson.htm             Wilson
  368. http://www.springfield.com                      The official Simpson's Who Shot Mr. Burns page:
  369. http://www.spy.org                              (Computer Systems Consulting)
  370. http://www.sri.com                              (SRI)
  371. http://www.tansu.com.au/Info/security.html      (Security Reference Index)
  372. http://www.tis.com                              (Trusted Information Systems)
  373. http://www.townhall.com                         Town Hall:
  374. http://www.tri.sbc.com                          (Southwestern Bell)
  375. http://www.uci.agh.edu.pl/pub/security          (Security)
  376. http://www.umcc.umich.edu/~doug/virus-faq.html  (Virus)
  377. http://www.umr.edu:80/.sears/primary/buchanan.html  Buchanan
  378. http://www.umr.edu:80/.sears/primary/dornan.html Dornan
  379. http://www.umr.edu:80/.sears/primary/specter.html Specter
  380. http://www.usfca.edu/crackdown/crack.html       (Hacker Crackdown)
  381. http://www.usps.gov/                            U.S. Postal Service
  382. http://www.uspto.gov/                           Patent and Trademark Office
  383. http://www.ustreas.gov/treasury/bureaus/bureaus.html  United States Treasury (Secret Service)
  384. http://www.visa.com/visa/index.html             VISA International -- One world, one currency... blah blah
  385. http://www.wam.umd.edu/~ankh/Public/devil_does_unix
  386. http://www.webcom.com/.digitals/                Democrats Homepage
  387. http://www.wfu.edu/~wilsonbd/stuff.html         H/P Philez.
  388. http://www.whitehouse.gov/                      The Whitehouse
  389. http://www.wiltel.com                           Wiltel
  390. http://www.winternet.com/~carolann/dreams.html
  391. http://www.wired.com                            (Wired Magazine)
  392. http://www.wpi.edu:8080/ftp/starwars            Star Wars:
  393. http://wwwpub.utdallas.edu/~brankin             links to other cult movie pages
  394. telnet://FNLIB.FNAL.GOV/                        Fermi National Accelerator Labratory online library catalog      [username: LIBRARY]
  395. telnet://admiral.lanl.gov/                      Los Alamos National Labratory online library catalog             [no login]
  396. telnet://cdconnection.com                       CD-Connection -- purchase CDs via the net.
  397. telnet://epaibm.rtpnc.epa.gov/                  Environmental Protection Agency online library system            [no login]
  398. telnet://library.llnl.gov/                      Lawrence Livermore National Labratory online library catalog     [login: patron]
  399. telnet://nih-library.nih.gov/                   National Institutes of Health online library catalog             [no login]
  401.                                =-=-=-=-=-=
  402.                                Government
  403.                                =-=-=-=-=-=
  405. United States Senate Email
  406. --------------------------
  407. info@kyl.senate.gov                     AZ R Kyl, Jon             (Senator)
  408. senator@boxer.senate.gov                CA D Boxer, Barbara       (Senator)
  409. senator_brown@brown.senate.gov          CO D Brown, Hank          (Senator)
  410. sen_dodd@dodd.senate.gov                CT D Dodd, Christopher    (Senator)
  411. senator_lieberman@lieberman.senate.gov  CT D Lieberman, Joseph    (Senator)
  412. joe_biden@biden.senate.gov              DE D Biden, Joe           (Senator)
  413. senator_coverdell@coverdell.senate.gov  GA R Coverdell, Paul      (Senator)
  414. tom_harkin@harkin.senate.gov            IA D Harkin, Tom          (Senator)
  415. chuck_grassley@grassley.senate.gov      IA R Grassley, Charles    (Senator)
  416. larry_craig@craig.senate.gov            ID R Craig, Larry         (Senator)
  417. dirk_kempthorne@kempthorne.senate.gov   ID R Kempthorne, Dirk     (Senator)
  418. senator@simon.senate.gov                IL D Simon, Paul          (Senator)
  419. senator@moseley-braun.senate.gov        IL D Moseley-Braun,Carol  (Senator)
  420. lugar@iquest.net                        IN R Lugar, Richard       (Senator)
  421. wendell_ford@ford.senate.gov            KY D Ford, Wendell        (Senator)
  422. senator@breaux.senate.gov               LA D Breaux, John         (Senator)
  423. senator@johnston.senate.gov             LA D Johnston, J.Bennett  (Senator)
  424. senator@kennedy.senate.gov              MA D Kennedy, Ted         (Senator)
  425. john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov             MA D Kerry, John          (Senator)
  426. senator@mikulski.senate.gov             MD D Mikulski, Barbara    (Senator)
  427. senator@levin.senate.gov                MI D Levin, Carl          (Senator)
  428. mail_grams@grams.senate.gov             MN R Grams, Rod           (Senator)
  429. senator@wellstone.senate.gov            MN D Wellstone, Paul      (Senator)
  430. john_ashcroft@ashcroft.senate.gov       MO R Ashcroft, John       (Senator)
  431. max@baucus.senate.gov                   MT D Baucus, Max          (Senator)
  432. conrad_burns@burns.senate.gov           MT R Burns, Conrad        (Senator)
  433. bob@kerrey.senate.gov                   NE D Kerrey, Bob          (Senator)
  434. mailbox@gregg.senate.gov                NH R Gregg, Judd          (Senator)
  435. opinion@smith.senate.gov                NH R Smith, Bob           (Senator)
  436. senator@bradley.senate.gov              NJ D Bradley, Bill        (Senator)
  437. Senator_Bingaman@bingaman.senate.gov    NM D Bingaman, Jeff       (Senator)
  438. senator_domenici@domenici.senate.gov    NM R Domenici, Pete       (Senator)
  439. senator_reid@reid.senate.gov            NV D Reid, Harry          (Senator)
  440. senator_dewine@dewine.senate.gov        OH R Dewine, Michael      (Senator)
  441. nickles@rpc.senate.gov                  OK R Nickles, Don         (Senator)
  442. senator_chafee@chafee.senate.gov        RI R Chafee, John         (Senator)
  443. senator@hollings.senate.gov             SC D Hollings, Ernest     (Senator)
  444. tom_daschle@daschle.senate.gov          SD D Daschle, Thomas      (Senator)
  445. larry_pressler@pressler.senate.gov      SD R Pressler, Larry      (Senator)
  446. senator_frist@frist.senate.gov          TN R Frist, Bill          (Senator)
  447. senator@hutchison.senate.gov            TX R Hutchison, Kay       (Senator)
  448. senator_robb@robb.senate.gov            VA D Robb, Charles        (Senator)
  449. senator@warner.senate.gov               VA R Warner, John         (Senator)
  450. senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov          VT D Leahy, Patrick       (Senator)
  451. vermont@jeffords.senate.gov             VT R Jeffords, Jim        (Senator)
  452. Senator_Gorton@gorton.senate.gov        WA R Gorton, Slade        (Senator)
  453. russell_feingold@feingold.senate.gov    WI D Feingold, Russell    (Senator)
  454. senator@rockefeller.senate.gov          WV D Rockefeller, Jay     (Senator)
  456. House of Representatives Email
  457. ------------------------------
  458. everett@hr.house.gov      AL  R  Everett, Terry     (US House Rep)
  459. budmail@hr.house.gov      AL  D  Cramer, Bud        (US House Rep)
  460. sbachus@hr.house.gov      AL  R  Bachus, Spencer    (US House Rep)
  461. jdickey@hr.house.gov      AR  R  Dickey, Jay        (US House Rep)
  462. edpastor@hr.house.gov     AZ  D  Pastor, Ed         (US House Rep)
  463. dcaucus@hr.house.gov      CA  D  Fazio, Vic         (US House Rep)
  464. woolsey@hr.house.gov      CA  D  Woolsey, Lynn      (US House Rep)
  465. gmiller@hr.house.gov      CA  D  Miller, George     (US House Rep)
  466. sfnancy@hr.house.gov      CA  D  Pelosi, Nancy      (US House Rep)
  467. talk2tom@hr.house.gov     CA  D  Lantos, Tom        (US House Rep)
  468. petemail@hr.house.gov     CA  D  Stark, Pete        (US House Rep)
  469. annagram@hr.house.gov     CA  D  Eshoo, Anna        (US House Rep)
  470. tellnorm@hr.house.gov     CA  D  Mineta, Norman     (US House Rep)
  471. zoegram@hr.house.gov      CA  D  Lofgren, Zoe       (US House Rep)
  472. samfarr@hr.house.gov      CA  D  Farr, Sam          (US House Rep)
  473. george@hr.house.gov       CA  R  Radanovich, George (US House Rep)
  474. andrea22@hr.house.gov     CA  R  Seastrand, Andrea  (US House Rep)
  475. tellbuck@hr.house.gov     CA  R  McKeon, Howard     (US House Rep)
  476. jharman@hr.house.gov      CA  D  Harman, Jane       (US House Rep)
  477. tucker96@hr.house.gov     CA  D  Tucker, Walter     (US House Rep)
  478. housesst@hr.house.gov     CA  S  Brown, George E.   (US House Rep)
  479. rpackard@hr.house.gov     CA  R  Packard, Ron       (US House Rep)
  480. skaggs@hr.house.gov       CO  D  Skaggs, David      (US House Rep)
  481. schaefer@hr.house.gov     CO  R  Schaefer, Dan      (US House Rep)
  482. bozrah@hr.house.gov       CT  D  Gejdenson, Sam     (US House Rep)
  483. cshays@hr.house.gov       CT  R  Shays, Christopher (US House Rep)
  484. delaware@hr.house.gov     DE  R  Castle, Michael    (US House Rep)
  485. kthurman@hr.house.gov     FL  D  Thurman, Karen     (US House Rep)
  486. cstearns@hr.house.gov     FL  R  Stearns, Cliff     (US House Rep)
  487. canady@hr.house.gov       FL  R  Canady, Charles    (US House Rep)
  488. pdeutsch@hr.house.gov     FL  D  Deutsch, Peter     (US House Rep)
  489. hastings@hr.house.gov     FL  D  Hastings, Alcee    (US House Rep)
  490. jlinder@hr.house.gov      GA  R  Linder, John       (US House Rep)
  491. georgia6@hr.house.gov     GA  R  Gingrich, Newton   (US House Rep)
  492. saxby@hr.house.gov        GA  R  Chambliss, Saxby   (US House Rep)
  493. ga10@hr.house.gov         GA  R  Norwood, Charlies  (US House Rep)
  494. runderwo@hr.house.gov     GU  D  Underwood, Robert  (US House Rep)
  495. brush@hr.house.gov        IL  D  Rush, Bobby        (US House Rep)
  496. luisg@hr.house.gov        IL  D  Gutierrez, Luis    (US House Rep)
  497. hfawell@hr.house.gov      IL  R  Fawell, Harris     (US House Rep)
  498. dhastert@hr.house.gov     IL  R  Hastert, Dennis    (US House Rep)
  499. durbin@hr.house.gov       IL  D  Durbin, Richard    (US House Rep)
  500. johnhost@hr.house.gov     IN  R  Hostettler, John   (US House Rep)
  501. emailpat@hr.house.gov     KS  R  Roberts, Pat       (US House Rep)
  502. edky01@hr.house.gov       KY  R  Whitfield, Ed      (US House Rep)
  503. mward2@hr.house.gov       KY  D  Ward, Mike         (US House Rep)
  504. bunning4@hr.house.gov     KY  R  Bunning, Jim       (US House Rep)
  505. torkma06@hr.house.gov     MA  R  Torkildsen, Peter  (US House Rep)
  506. jmoakley@hr.house.gov     MA  D  Moakley, Joe       (US House Rep)
  507. cardin@hr.house.gov       MD  D  Cardin, Ben        (US House Rep)
  508. tellhoek@hr.house.gov     MI  R  Hoekstra, Peter    (US House Rep)
  509. congehlr@hr.house.gov     MI  R  Ehlers, Vernon     (US House Rep)
  510. davecamp@hr.house.gov     MI  R  Camp, Dave         (US House Rep)
  511. repsmith@hr.house.gov     MI  R  Smith, Nick        (US House Rep)
  512. chrysler@hr.house.gov     MI  R  Chrysler, Dick     (US House Rep)
  513. lrivers@hr.house.gov      MI  D  Rivers, Lynn       (US House Rep)
  514. jconyers@hr.house.gov     MI  D  Conyers, John      (US House Rep)
  515. gil@hr.house.gov          MN  R  Gutknect, Gil      (US House Rep)
  516. dminge@hr.house.gov       MN  D  Minge, David       (US House Rep)
  517. mn03@hr.house.gov         MN  R  Ramstad, Jim       (US House Rep)
  518. vento@hr.house.gov        MN  D  Vento, Bruce       (US House Rep)
  519. tellbill@hr.house.gov     MN  D  Luther, Bill       (US House Rep)
  520. tocollin@hr.house.gov     MN  D  Peterson, Collin   (US House Rep)
  521. oberstar@hr.house.gov     MN  D  Oberstar, James    (US House Rep)
  522. talentmo@hr.house.gov     MO  R  Talent, James      (US House Rep)
  523. demldr@hr.house.gov       MO  D  Gephardt, Richard  (US House Rep)
  524. bemerson@hr.house.gov     MO  R  Emerson, Bill      (US House Rep)
  525. bthompson@hr.house.gov    MS  D  Thompson, Bennie   (US House Rep)
  526. funnc02@hr.house.gov      NC  R  Funderburk, David  (US House Rep)
  527. thechief@hr.house.gov     NC  R  Heineman, Frederick(US House Rep)
  528. mail2nc5@hr.house.gov     NC  R  Burr, Richard      (US House Rep)
  529. crose@hr.house.gov        NC  D  Rose, Charlie      (US House Rep)
  530. myrick@hr.house.gov       NC  R  Myrick, Sue        (US House Rep)
  531. chtaylor@hr.house.gov     NC  R  Taylor, Charles    (US House Rep)
  532. melmail@hr.house.gov      NC  D  Watt, Mel          (US House Rep)
  533. epomeroy@hr.house.gov     ND  D  Pomeroy, Earl      (US House Rep)
  534. zeliff@hr.house.gov       NH  R  Zeliff, Bill       (US House Rep)
  535. franksnj@hr.house.gov     NJ  R  Franks, Bob        (US House Rep)
  536. dzimmer@hr.house.gov      NJ  R  Zimmer, Dick       (US House Rep)
  537. mpforbes@hr.house.gov     NY  R  Forbes, Michael    (US House Rep)
  538. lazio@hr.house.gov        NY  R  Lazio, Rick        (US House Rep)
  539. tmanton@hr.house.gov      NY  D  Manton, Thomas     (US House Rep)
  540. molinari@hr.house.gov     NY  R  Molinari, Susan    (US House Rep)
  541. rangel@hr.house.gov       NY  D  Rangel, Charles    (US House Rep)
  542. jserrano@hr.house.gov     NY  D  Serrano, Jose      (US House Rep)
  543. engeline@hr.house.gov     NY  D  Engel, Eliot       (US House Rep)
  544. boehlert@hr.house.gov     NY  R  Boehlert, Sherwood (US House Rep)
  545. bpaxon@hr.house.gov       NY  R  Paxon, Bill        (US House Rep)
  546. portmail@hr.house.gov     OH  R  Portman, Rob       (US House Rep)
  547. hokemail@hr.house.gov     OH  R  Hoke, Martin       (US House Rep)
  548. istook@hr.house.gov       OK  R  Istook, Jr. Ernest (US House Rep)
  549. furseor1@hr.house.gov     OR  D  Furse, Elizabeth   (US House Rep)
  550. pdefazio@hr.house.gov     OR  D  DeFazio, Pete      (US House Rep)
  551. murtha@hr.house.gov       PA  D  Murtha, John       (US House Rep)
  552. jonfox@hr.house.gov       PA  R  Fox, Jon           (US House Rep)
  553. mchale@hr.house.gov       PA  D  McHale, Paul       (US House Rep)
  554. pa16@hr.house.gov         PA  R  Walker, Robert     (US House Rep)
  555. jspratt@hr.house.gov      SC  D  Spratt, John       (US House Rep)
  556. cwilson@hr.house.gov      TX  D  Wilson, Charles    (US House Rep)
  557. samtx03@hr.house.gov      TX  R  Johnson, Sam       (US House Rep)
  558. barton06@hr.house.gov     TX  R  Barton, Joe        (US House Rep)
  559. doggett@hr.house.gov      TX  D  Doggett, Lloyd     (US House Rep)
  560. frost@hr.house.gov        TX  D  Frost, Martin      (US House Rep)
  561. ggreen@hr.house.gov       TX  D  Green, Gene        (US House Rep)
  562. enidutah@hr.house.gov     UT  R  Waldholtz, Enid    (US House Rep)
  563. ortonut3@hr.house.gov     UT  D  Orton, Bill        (US House Rep)
  564. opickett@hr.house.gov     VA  D  Pickett, Owen      (US House Rep)
  565. talk2bob@hr.house.gov     VA  R  Goodlatte, Bob     (US House Rep)
  566. ninthnet@hr.house.gov     VA  D  Boucher, Rick      (US House Rep)
  567. bsanders@igc.apc.org      VT  I  Sanders, Bernie    (US House Rep)
  568. repwhite@hr.house.gov     WA  R  White, Rick        (US House Rep)
  569. asklinda@hr.house.gov     WA  R  Smith, Linda       (US House Rep)
  570. dunnwa08@hr.house.gov     WA  R  Dunn, Jennifer     (US House Rep)
  571. rtate@hr.house.gov        WA  R  Tate, Randy        (US House Rep)
  572. mneumann@hr.house.gov     WI  R  Neumann, Mark      (US House Rep)
  573. badger02@hr.house.gov     WI  R  Klug, Scott        (US House Rep)
  574. roth08@hr.house.gov       WI  R  Roth, Toby         (US House Rep)
  576. Misc House/Senate Mail Addresses
  577. --------------------------------
  578. commerce@hr.house.gov                         House Committee on Commerce
  579. housesst@hr.house.gov                         House Committee on Science
  580. mailbox@aging.senate.gov                      Senate Special Committee on Aging
  581. resource@hr.house.gov                         House Committee on Resources
  582. slabmgnt@hr.house.gov                         Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations
  583. smbizcom@hr.house.gov                         House Committee on Small Business
  585. House/Senate Gopher Resources
  586. -----------------------------
  587. gopher://ftp.senate.gov:70/                   Senate Gopher
  588. gopher://gopher:house.gov:70/1                House Gopher
  590. Misc House/Senate Web Pages
  591. ---------------------------
  592. ftp://www.senate.gov/committee/Dem-Policy/general/dpc.html     House Committee on Small Business
  593. ftp://www.senate.gov/committee/repub-policy/general/rpc.html   Senate Republican Policy Committee:
  594. http://drum.ncsc.org/~carter/CBC.html         Congressional Black Caucus
  595. http://www.house.gov/                         House Web Site
  596. http://www.house.gov/                         House Web Site
  597. http://www.house.gov/demcaucus/welcome.html   House Democratic Caucus
  598. http://www.house.gov/demcaucus/welcome.html   House Democratic Caucus
  599. http://www.house.gov/democrats/               House Democratic Leadership
  600. http://www.house.gov/democrats/               House Democratic Leadership
  601. http://www.house.gov/gop/HRCHome.html         House Republican Conference
  602. http://www.house.gov/gop/HRCHome.html         House Republican Conference
  603. http://www.town.hall.org:80/places/jec        Joint Economic Committee
  605. Senator Home Pages
  606. ------------------
  607. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/ca/boxer/general/homepage.html      CA D Boxer, Barbara
  608. http://www.uconn.edu/dodd/dodd.html                             CT D Dodd, Christopher
  609. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/ct/lieberman/general/lieberman.html CT D Lieberman, Joseph
  610. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/de/biden/general/biden.html         DE D Biden, Joe
  611. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/ia/harkin/general/harkin.html       IA D Harkin, Tom
  612. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/ky/ford/general/ford.html           KY D Ford, Wendell
  613. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/la/breaux/general/breaux.html       LA D Breaux, John
  614. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/la/johnston/general/homepage.html   LA D Johnston, Bennett
  615. http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/iiip/Kennedy/homepage.html       MA D Kennedy, Ted
  616. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/ma/kerry/general/kerry.html         MA D Kerry, John
  617. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/mi/levin/general/levin.html         MI D Levin, Carl
  618. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/mn/wellstone/general/pdw.htm        MN D Wellstone, Paul
  619. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/mo/ashcroft/general/ashcroft.html   MO R Ashcroft, John
  620. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/mt/baucus/general/b2.html           MT D Baucus, Max
  621. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/ne/kerrey/general/kerrey.html       NE D Kerrey, Bob
  622. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/nj/bradley/general/bradley.html     NJ D Bradley, Bill
  623. ftp://ftp:senate.gov/member/nm/bingaman/general/jb.html         NM D Bingaman, Jeff
  624. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/nv/reid/general/reid.html           NV D Reid, Harry
  625. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/oh/dewine/general/dewine.html       OH R DeWine, Michael
  626. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/sc/hollings/general/hollings.html   SC D Hollings, Ernest
  627. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/sd/daschle/general/daschle.html     SD D Daschle, Thomas
  628. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/tn/frist/general/frist.html         TN R Frist, Bill
  629. http://www.surgery.mc.vanderbilt.edu/frist/frist.html           TN R Frist, Bill
  630. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/va/robb/general/robb.html           VA D Robb, Charles
  631. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/va/warner/general/warner.html       VA R Warner, John
  632. ftp://ftp.senate.gov/member/vt/leahy/general/pjl.html           VT D Leahy, Patrick
  634. United States House of Representatives Home Pages
  635. -------------------------------------------------
  636. http://www.house.gov/fazio/welcome.html                         CA D Fazio, Vic
  637. http://www.house.gov/dellums/welcome.html                       CA D  Dellums, Ron
  638. http://www.house.gov/farr/welcome.html                          CA D  Farr, Sam
  639. http://www.house.gov/tucker/welcome.html                        CA D  Tucker, Walter
  640. http://www.umr.edu/~sears/primary/dornan.html                   CA R  Dornan, Robert
  641. http://www.tiig.ist.ucf.edu/palis/ushr/district6/stearns.html   FL R  Stearns, Cliff
  642. http://www.house.gov/chambliss/welcome.html                     GA R  Chambliss, Saxby
  643. http://www.house.gov/rush/welcome.html                          IL D  Rush, Bobby
  644. http//www.house.gov/hostettler/welcome.html                     IN R  Hostettler, John      johnhost@hr.house.gov
  645. http://www.house.gov/souder/welcome.html                        IN R  Souder, Mark
  646. http://www.house.gov/moakley/welcome.html                       MA D  Moakley, Joe
  647. http://www.house.gov/ehlers/welcome.html                        MI R  Ehlers, Vern
  648. http://www.house.gov/nicksmith/welcome.html                     MI R  Smith, Nick
  649. http://www.house.gov/conyers/welcome.html                       MI D  Conyers, John
  650. http://www.house.gov/vento/welcome.html                         MN D  Vento, Bruce
  651. http://www.house.gov/collinpeterson/welcome.html                MN D  Peterson, Collin
  652. http://www.house.gov/sabo/welcome.html                          MN D  Sabo, Martin
  653. http://www.house.gov/oberstar/welcome.html                      MN D  Oberstar, James
  654. http://www.house.gov/emerson/welcome.html                       MO R  Emerson, Bill
  655. http://www.house.gov/thompson/welcome.html                      MS D  Thompson, Bennie
  656. http://www.house.gov/bobfranks/welcome.html                     NJ R  Franks, Bob
  657. http://www.house.gov/forbes/welcome.html                        NY R  Forbes, Michael
  658. http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~pdefazio/index.html                OR D  DeFazio, Pete
  659. http://www.house.gov/clement/welcome.html                       TN D  Clement, Bob
  660. http://house.gov/armey.flattax/welcome.html                     TX R  Armey, Dick
  664.         Thanks to the following people.
  666.                 Deadkat  :  Government Resources
  667.                 Demonika :  Misc FTP/Web sites
  668.                 Thor     :  FTP sites
  669.                 Voyager  :  Misc HP sites
  671.         And everyone else who contributed, the mail lists I am on,
  672.         and various other lists/zines that I have read.
  676. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  677. = Questions, Comments, Bitches, Ideas, Rants, Death Threats, etc etc...   =
  678. = Internet : jericho@netcom.com                      (Mail is welcome)    =
  679. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  680. = Chemical Persuasion  203.324.0894    Celestial Woodlands 214.252.6455   =
  681. = Goat Blowers Anon    215.750.0392    Hacker's Haven      303.343.4053   =
  682. = E.L.F.        (NUP)  314.272.3426    Misery              318.625.4532   =
  683. = Dungeon Sys. Inc.    410.263.2258    Psykodelik Images   407.834.4576   =
  684. = Paradise Lost        414.476.3181    Black SunShine      513.891.3465   =
  685. = Digital Fallout      516.378.6640    PSYCHOSiS           613.836.7211   =
  686. = Bad Trip             615.870.8805         (Your board here!@#!)         =
  687. = Plan 9               716.881.3663    Phallic Paradise    801.944.7353   =
  688. = Purple Hell          806.791.0747    Logikal Nonsence    XXX.XXX.XXXX   =
  689. = PuRe EViL  (NUP)     905.XXX.XXXX    The Keg             914.234.9674   =
  690. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  691. = Files through Anonymous FTP: FTP.NETCOM.COM - /pub/je/jericho/FUCK      =
  692. =                              FTP.FC.NET - /pub/deadkat/misc/FUCK        =
  693. =                              FTP.WINTERNET.COM - /users/craigb/fuck     =
  694. =                              FTP.GIGA.OR.AT - /pub/hackers/zines/fuck   =
  695. =                              ETEXT.ARCHIVE.UMICH.EDU - /pub/Zines/FUCK  =
  696. =               http://www.ora.com:8080/johnl/e-zine-list/zines/fuck.html =
  697. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=